Dealing with debt can cause great distress. If you find yourself facing a mountain of bills that far exceed the amount of money in your monthly paychecks, you may think your situation is hopeless. But there is a possibility you can get a fresh start by filing for bankruptcy.
Thomas M. Denaro, Esq. offers over three decades of experience with bankruptcy law. He has helped clients file for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, giving him first-hand knowledge about both options. If you want to erase your debts and start working towards rebuilding your credit, filing for bankruptcy might be the right choice for you.
Foreclosure and Repossession
As one of the few bankruptcy attorneys to also provide defense services, Thomas M. Denaro has the ability to offer clients facing foreclosure many options to improve their situations. If your lender has served you with an intent to foreclose, know that you still have options to save your home.
Depending on your situation, Mr. Denaro can discuss the possibility of a loan modification or a defense to the foreclosure. Be sure to call Mr. Denaro immediately after you receive the foreclosure complaint so that you have plenty of time to answer the summons and you don’t lose your rights to your home.
Debt & Credit Services
If you are suffering from a dismal credit score combined with too much debt, you may benefit from working with someone who can educate you on how to improve your situation.
Thomas M. Denaro offers new clients a free telephone consultation, where you can explain your issues and receive knowledge about the options you can take to get you back on your feet. If you decide to work with Mr. Denaro, he can also help you take steps toward debt management, such as teaching you how to write letters to your creditors.
Credit Rehabilitation
Thomas M. Denaro offers services that can include both representation in bankruptcy court and credit rehabilitation education after. Getting a bankruptcy discharge award is your goal, but learning how to rebuild your credit so that you can keep your finances on track in the future may also be an attractive option.
Mr. Denaro can explain how to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy, including how your credit is protected after filing for bankruptcy according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Life after Bankruptcy
For Mr. Denaro, a bankruptcy discharge is just one if the services for his clients. He also offers them a free consultation to teach them how they can recover after a bankruptcy and begin to rebuild their good credit.
He is fluent in Spanish, which gives him a wider range to help even more people suffering from debt problems. He will also help with any debt management issues, teaching clients how to write letters to their creditors. Mr. Denaro provides the tools to teach clients how to live a debt-free life after bankruptcy.
Contact a Bankruptcy Attorney
For Thomas M. Denaro, it is not just about the job. Because he loves to see his clients successfully turn their financial difficulties around, he approaches each case in a very hands-on method, making sure to accompany them to court and giving them his full support.
Even after the bankruptcy discharge is awarded, Mr. Denaro offers free consultation to his clients so that they may get help they need to rehabilitate their credit. He develops close relationships with them, which has allowed him to build an entire career off of word-of-mouth referrals. Call 718-863-6000 to see how we can help you.